Our little friend, Ashlyn, turned 3 in January, and her mom, who has a flair for creativity (and Pinterest searching), was throwing a Candyland-themed party. This was complete with a full-scale Candyland board game in their basement. This was such a fun and different idea for a party, that I welcomed the chance to make some less ordinary cookies in her honor.
These cookies were 100% inspired by
Sweet Sugarbelle and her amazing imagination. I'll be honest...these were tricky! Between creating the right cookie shapes and having at least 6 frosting colors on-hand at all times, they were definitely a challenge.
Sweet Sugarbelle has designed a few cookie cutters specifically for Karen's Cookies' on-line store, one of which is this
cookie jar cutter. I thought that might make a nice jelly bean jar. But, I had to piece
together several different cookie cutters to make the gumball machine. Seriously, it's been so long since I've made them and am only now posting about them, that I'm not sure I even remember what I used! I think it was the bottom of a tiered wedding cake + large circle + small circles. Either way, they took a lot of experimenting and patience, and when they were done, they were, well, huge!
To decorate them, I used wet-on-wet icing to create the gumballs/jelly beans inside the machine, and then once they had dried, I added more candies on top to create the dimension I so admired from Sweet Sugarbelle's original design. My mini jelly beans might have looked a bit off, but they were also made by hand-cutting, so I think I deserve some slack. :)
I actually had cookie cutters for the wrapped candies, which made things a lot easier. Those were probably my favorite with the swirl, embellished with more sanding sugar. The striped peppermints were made with my number 1 cookie cutter (trimmed), and the Necco wafers were made with a
diploma cookie cutter (trimmed) for some interest. My husband wasn't sure what they were, but
Necco wafers are a thing...and they are colorful, even if they aren't the yummiest.
Every birthday girl needs her own special cookie, and I will definitely keep this personalized cupcake cookie in mind for the future. With a few sprinkles/quins, these were quick, easy, and colorful!
Happy Birthday, Ashyln!
We were happy to share in the (very sweet) celebration!